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Library : Documents | History

Library Code

1. The Municipal Library in Polička (hereafter the library) is a public universal library, taking part in the system of public libraries of the Czech Republic. It collects library and information collections. To all citizens it provides access to cultural values and technical information in its collections.

2. To its readers and users it provides these services:
• Lending books, magazines or other documents
• Reservation of publications
• Bibliographical and information services
• Interlibrary lending service
• Work with the internet and CD-ROM
• Educational trips and lessons for nursery schools
• Educational trips and lessons for schools
• Photocopying from library collections
• E-mail
• Scanning the internet with the help of website (Microsoft Explorer)
• Lending sound books for visual handicapped citizens

3. The library collection is a national property. Library users are required to protect it from loss and damage.

4. Library users are required to observe the library code. By their signature on the application form users are obliged to observe it. On the strength of a fulfilled application form they obtain a library card. If the user does not adhere to the library code, his or her right to use the library services may be temporarily or permanently suspended. However, this shall not have any effect on the user’s obligation to compensate for damage he or she caused, or his or her obligations under Civil Code.

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